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2012.02 연세대학교 보건과학대학 학사
2014.02 서강대학교 공학대학원 석사
2018.08 가톨릭대학교 대학원 박사
2022.02-2023.02 연세대학교 세브란스병원 방사선종양학과 임상강사
2018.12-2022.01 연세대학교 세브란스병원 방사선종양학과 의학물리사
2014.03-2014.12 GE 헬스케어 CT 연구원
2015 최우수 구연상 - Asia-Oceania 의학물리학회
2017 젊은 과학자상 - 한국의학물리학회
한국의학물리학회 정회원
대한방사선종양학회 특별회원
한국원자력학회 회원
미국의학물리학회 (AAPM) 회원
논문 및 저서
논문 및 저서
2024 “Correction Method for Depth and Field Size dependence in Octavius 1000 SRS patient-specific QA” Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 111892, 2024.10
2023 “The Effect of Respiratory Motion in Breast Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy: 3D-Printed Dynamic Phantom Study” Anticancer Research 41 (1) 417-427; (2023.10)
2023 “Application of error classification model using indices based on dose distribution for characteristics evaluation of multileaf collimator position errors” Scientific Report , 13.1 (2023): 11027
2023 “Development of automated delivery quality assurance analysis software for helical tomotherapy” Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 22 (2023):
2023 "Dosimetric Comparison of Robust Angles in Carbon-Ion Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer" Frontiers in Oncology, 13 (2023): 436, 2023.02.
2023 “Novel framework for determining TPS-calculated doses corresponding to detector locations using 3D camera in in-vivo surface dosimetry” Physics in Medicine & Biology 68.5 (2023): 055011
2022 “Evaluating Mobius3D dose calculation accuracy for small-field flattening filter-free photon beams” Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 21 (2022): 15330338221141542.
2022 "Comprehensive clinical evaluation of TomoEQA for patient-specific pre-treatment quality assurance in helical tomotherapy” Radiation Oncology, 17, 177, 2022
2022 “Feasibility of using dental putty-based custom molds for high-dose rate brachytherapy of oral mucosal melanoma” Physica Medica, 103, 119-126, 2022
2022 “Daily adaptive proton therapy: Detection of tumor variations based on tomographic imaging or prompt gamma emission from proton-boron fusion reaction” Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54.8 (2022): 3006-3016.
2022 “Dosimetric outcomes of stranded seeds implantation with intraoperative optimization using transrectal ultrasound images for high-quality low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy” PLoS One, 17.3 (2022): e0265143
2022 “Assessment of Log-based Fingerprinting System of Mobius3D with Elekta Linear Accelerators” Journal of applied clinical medical physics, 23.2 (2022): e13480
2022 “Comparison of radiomics prediction models of lung metastases according to four semiautomatic segmentation methods in soft-tissue sarcomas of the extremities” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, (2022): 1-10
2021 “Application of sigmoidal optimization to reconstruct nuclear medicine image: Comparison with filtered back projection and iterative reconstruction method” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(1), 258-265, 2021.01
2020 “TomoMQA: Automated analysis program for MVCT quality assurance of helical tomotherapy” Journal of applied clinical medical physics, 21(6), 151-157, 2020.06
2020 “Sensitivity of radio-photoluminescence glass dosimeters to accumulated doses” PLoS One 15.12(2020) e0234829
2020 “Feasibility study of multiplexing method using digital signal encoding technique” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52(10), 2339-2345.
2020 “Dosimetric comparison of four commercial patient-specific quality assurance devices for helical tomotherapy” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 76(3), 257-263.
2020 “Reference based simulation study of detector comparison for BNCT-SPECT imaging” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52.1, 155-163
2019 “Synergy effect of alpha particles by using natural boron in proton therapy: Computational verification” AIP Advances, 9(11), 115017
2018 “Analysis of therapeutic effectiveness attained through generation of three alpha particles in proton-boron fusion reaction based on Monte Carlo simulation code” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 316, 1059-1065, (2018)
2018 “Feasibility study of SPECT imaging technique based on prompt gamma ray during antiproton therapy using boron particle” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57, 060305, 2018.05
2018 “Quantiataive analysis of prompt gamma ray imaging during proton boron fusion therapy according to boron concentration” Oncotarget 9(3), 2018.01
2017 “DICOM information conversion procedure for SUV calculation of PET scanners with different DICOM header information” Physica Medica, 44, 243-248, 2017.12
2017 “Conceptual Study of Brain Dedicated PET Improving Sensitivity” Progress in Medical Physics, 27(4), 2016.12
2017 “Feasibility of Dual-Energy Computed Tomography in Radiation Therapy Planning” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 71
2017 “The first step towards a respiratory motion prediction for natural-breathing using motion generator” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 70(6)
2017 “A Simulation Study for Radiation reatment Planning Based on the Atomic Physics of the Proton-Boron Fusion Reaction” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 70(5)
2017 “SPECT Image Analysis Using Computational ROC Curve Based on Threshold Setup” Progress in Medical Physics, 28(3), 2017
2016 “Development Treatment Planning System Based on Monte-Carlo Simulation for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy” Progress in Medical Physics, 27(4), (2016)
2016 “Fabrication of Customized Bone Scaffold using a Home-made Medical 3D Printer for the Comminuted Fracture” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 69(5), 852-857 (2016).
2016 “Prompt gamma ray imaging for verification of proton boron fusion therapy: A Monte Carlo study” Physica Medica, 32, 1071-1275, 2016
2014 “GATE Monte Carlo simulation of GE Discovery 600 and a uniformity phantom." Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 65(11), 1802-1808